CC56 CONVEYOR BELT what to pay attention to in the stored procedure

CC56 CONVEYOR BELT what to pay attention to in the stored procedure

(Summary description)When many companies buy CC56 CONVEYOR BELT, most of them buy a batch for backup. On the one hand, the purchase price is favorable for large quantities.

CC56 CONVEYOR BELT what to pay attention to in the stored procedure

(Summary description)When many companies buy CC56 CONVEYOR BELT, most of them buy a batch for backup. On the one hand, the purchase price is favorable for large quantities.


When many companies buy CC56 CONVEYOR BELT, most of them buy a batch for backup. On the one hand, the purchase price is favorable for large quantities. On the other hand, when the CC56 CONVEYOR BELT in use is damaged and cannot be used, it can be replaced directly. At the same time, it is also facing the problem of CC56 CONVEYOR BELT storage. If the storage is improper, it will directly affect the quality and service life of CC56 CONVEYOR BELT, resulting in unusable use. The following CC56 CONVEYOR BELT manufacturers will take you to understand the precautions of CC56 CONVEYOR BELT in storage.


1. CC56 CONVEYOR BELT should not be in contact with acid-base, oil, sewage and other pollutants during storage, and should also be kept away from heat sources, and avoid being exposed to direct sunlight or rain and snow for a long time.

2. The temperature of the warehouse should be kept between -15°C and +40°C, and the relative humidity should be kept between 50% and 80%.

3. CC56 CONVEYOR BELT must be placed in rolls during storage, and must not be folded (meaning: fold a part of the object), and must not be kneaded. During the storage period, it should be turned over once a quarter.

4. The conveying speed of CC56 CONVEYOR BELT should not be greater than 5.0 m/s, and the low speed should be used as far as possible when transporting materials with large lumps and high abrasion and using fixed plow type unloading equipment. When the specified speed is exceeded, it will affect the duration of the use of the tape. 5. CC56 CONVEYOR BELT of the same type and standard layers should not be used together.

5. Avoid the idler being covered by the material, resulting in ineffective rotation, avoiding the leakage of the material stuck between the roller and the tape, pay attention to the smoothness of the moving part, but not oily CC56 CONVEYOR BELT.


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